Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We wake each day automatically using our sight, our hearing, every part and function of our body with out the thought that at any minute even just a small and what may seem as an insignificant part of our anatomy can stop functioning.

That every bat of our eyelid is a blessing from Allah SWT. That every movement of our eye is a blessing and every other ability that we have we owe to our creator.

We may know this but we are never really conscious thereof until a part of this anatomy of ours no longer functions, until something that to us is so insignificant takes on significance.

On this journey, I have become acutely conscious:

Every time my eyelid closes because I make dua that the next day it may open again. Every time that I look to the right so that I may look to the left again. Every time that I lay down, that I may get up and walk again. Every time that I have pain that I may be pain free again. Every time that I feel challenged that I may feel courage again.

And every time that I take things for granted that I may feel gratitude again.

Let us appreciate every movement in the knowledge that this is only made possible by our Creator!

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