Saturday, May 22, 2010

Help and Support groups

If only we knew all the answers. If only everything that happens makes immediate sense and provides and instant clarity. If only we knew what the great plan was for us and what path we are to follow in the face of adversity in the face of all this uncertainty.

What if we are told from every person we meet, from everyone who knows, from every book we read that we must trust, that we must have faith, that we must have conviction.

When all these ifs and what ifs and what could have beens and what should have beens plague our minds and plagues the essence of our souls, as the strength of our imaan ebbs and flows like the tides at sea. It is then that we need to seek help.

What kind of help we then ask. Is it the help we ask when we kneel in supplication? Is it the help we ask when we see our physicians or is it help of a different kind. Help which has knocked on the door of a community closed to its benefits, blind to its existence. A community who equates seeking help with disbelief and with lack conviction.

And if we were to seek and accept this help, does this belittle our faith, does it belittle our conviction. Or does it acknowledge that we are just beings, searching like everyone else, not knowing all the answers and at times only having questions.

What then will this help achieve we ask.

It would be like being in the desert afraid and lonely only seeing dunes of sand for miles and miles and then on the horizon a glimpse, another being, then we look in a different direction, we see yet another then another and all so quickly we are no longer alone and afraid in the desert but at an oasis of hope. An oasis of souls who like us have thought they too were lonely and stranded in the desert.

So we have faith, we have conviction and we have this support. And it is here available to us and this was only possible through faith, through conviction.

This support is a place to work through the what ifs, could have beens, should have beens and questions which plague our minds and we are given skills to use in this, the face of adversity and in this face of uncertainty. So that our Imaan no longer ebbs and flows like the tide at sea but stays firmly on the shore looking out and seeing our path being shaped in the distance...

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